Student 就业

学习 about jobs on or off campus

Student sitting with laptop
Student Jobs @ 网赌正规真人实体在线平台

The one-stop shop for all of the on-campus Student 就业 job postings 和 State 工作研究 job posting. 访问 the website to 应用!

应用 for a Job!

Interested in Becoming a Student Employee?

Student employment is a great way to earn work experience while attending classes 在网赌正规真人实体在线平台. Being a student 员工 allows you to enhance your college experience by being directly involved in campus life. There are both non work-study and work-study positions that range in responsibility, time commitment and area of work. These positions 任何符合要求的网赌正规真人实体在线平台学生都可以申请,具体请参见 our job postings. Stop by the Human Resources Office located in the A Building, or keep exploring this page to find out more information about student employment here 在网赌正规真人实体在线平台!

  • Student 员工s must be enrolled and attending classes 在网赌正规真人实体在线平台.
  • Student 员工s can work a maximum of 19 hours per week. If you are working for more than one department, the combined total hours cannot exceed 19 hours.
  • Federal and State 工作研究 student 员工s must be approved for 工作研究 and must also be enrolled in a minimum of six degree-required credits.

联邦工作学习为有经济需要的学生提供兼职工作 them to earn money to help pay their education expenses. In order to be eligible for 联邦工作学习,学生必须首先提交免费的联邦学生申请 援助 or the WASFA 应用程序 for qualified non-citizen students at each academic year. This will determine if the student has an unmet financial 需要. FWS is one component of the different types of financial aid awards and is 政府erned by federal regulations. Being awarded work study does not guarantee the student employment; it is based 在 job requirements 和 funding available. Once hired, earnings 是由加拿大广播公司以半月工资单形式直接支付给学生的吗.

雇用FWS学生雇员的部门获得高达75%的资助,并且必须 fund as low as 25% from their own budget.

勤工俭学资格由FAFSA或WASFA提供的信息决定 应用程序. If 工作研究 was not requested 在 应用程序, students can request 通过与霍克中心的专家会面或网赌正规真人实体在线平台的工作学习 Financial Aid office.

每个勤工俭学奖通常在学年期间颁发,从9月开始 (Fall quarter) and ending June (Spring quarter).                            

The dollar amount of the award appears 在 student’s financial aid award e-mail and 在 Financial Aid page 在 Student 首页page in ctcLink. 工作研究 is an earned-aid. The awards are calculated for Fall, Winter and Spring quarter. 量 shown is the amount the student may earn up to, through semi-monthly paychecks for 每季度. There is no guarantee of work study eligibility or that the student will be offered a position. Students may work up to 19 hours per week.

量 of a work study award may change at any time during the academic year if the student’s level of enrollment changes, they receive scholarship funds, or other changes are made to their financial aid awards. The student will be notified by Financial 通过电子邮件通知助学金的任何变化,然后 it’s the students’ responsibility to notify their supervisor.

State 工作研究 (SWS) is funded by the State Legislature and administered by the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) through financial aid. These funds are generally used for off-campus jobs related to the student’s major and/or career goals. Like all 工作研究 programs, 学生必须通过联邦学生免费申请申请经济援助 Aid (FAFSA) or Washington Student Achievement Council (WASFA) and have demonstrated 需要.

Employer Information

雇主可以联系财政援助办公室获取有关获得批准的信息 employment site at 509-542-5504. Once approved, employers will receive information from the SWS Coordinator to post positions. A resume will be provided to the employer for each student applicant that is an academic match to the posted position. 雇主 will review, interview and hire student 员工s and notify the SWS Coordinator of selected applicant. 

雇主负责支付学生的工资,然后提交 timesheet documentation for reimbursement to the Financial Aid Office. To be reimbursed, 雇主将在不迟于10天内将SWS时间表提交给SWS协调员 在学生在学习期间受雇的每个日历月结束后 year (the SWS program does not reimburse during the summer break). 雇主 will be reimbursed a percentage of the student wages. The timesheet template will be sent to employers once they have hired a SWS student.


The following forms are available to current or potential SWS employers. 

SWS雇主包(包括SWS雇主信,合同和简介,职位描述 and Tax Reporting Information Sheet)

SWS Job Description

For questions or comments about State 工作研究, please 联系 Financial%20Aid at 509-542-5504 或ext. 2304.

  • Student 员工 positions are posted on a quarterly basis. If you are not currently 如果你是学生雇员,你需要每季度重新申请一次 to continue to be considered.
  • All 应用程序s are completed online, NO paper 应用程序s are accepted.
  • To 应用 for any position you will 需要 to create one profile using your 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student email.
  • 对于你申请的每个职位,一定要提交完整的申请表, supplemental questions, and attach the required documents. If the 应用程序s or attachments are not complete, your 应用程序 will not be considered.

应用 for a Job Today!

当你开始工作时,你承认你已经阅读并同意遵守 with the conditions listed in the Student 就业 Handbook. Among your obligations are the following:

  • You are paid only for the work you perform and you are not permitted to work more than 19 hours per week regardless of the time of year (i.e. quarter breaks, summer 季度,等等.);
  • You are responsible for checking your assigned 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student email daily because all correspondence regarding your employment as a student 员工 will be communicated via your student email. If desired, you can forward your 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student email account to your personal email account;
  • 你明白你在网赌正规真人实体在线平台的工作是一个获得与职业相关的机会 experiences and will take your position seriously;
  • 您有责任在指定的时间内完成您在TLR系统中的时间表 date and submitting it to your supervisor by 10 am;
  • 你有责任对任何潜在的信息严格保密 sensitive information you encounter in the course of performing your job;
  • 你有责任穿着由雇主决定的合适的服装 department, including proper decorum (i.e. no cleavage, sagging pants, exposed under 服装等.);
  • It is your responsibility to report to work on time. If you are unable to work due to illness, emergency or will be late for work, notify your supervisor as early as possible before the shift begins. Discuss methods of reporting with your supervisor (i.e. phone call) and potential conflicts should be discussed with your supervisor 提前. (Continued tardiness and failure to provide adequate prior notice of absences as determined by the supervisor are considered grounds for termination.);
  • Provide two weeks’ notice if you decide to resign from your position;
  • You must keep track of the Federal 工作研究 earnings and ensure that you do not exceed your 奖励金额;
  • Notify your supervisor if your Federal 工作研究 award changes; and
  • You will abide by College Policy, including, but not limited to, the Standards of 行为政策,道德准则政策,FERPA政策,可接受的IT资源使用 和 College's Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination policy.

Follow the guidelines below for getting paid as a student 员工:

  • Record your time worked accurately and enter on timesheet by 到期日期 by using the "Time" tile on your Gateway landing page.

  • 如果你在多个部门工作,仔细选择正确的部门时 进入时间.

  • Timesheets are submitted twice a month and are due in Time & 劳动 by 10 am 在 到期日期. 
  • 请假时,请注明是为谁请假,并附上简短的说明 in the Remarks section of your timesheet (see examples below):  
Example 1: Full Sick Day: Self
“February 18, 2020: 5 hours Sick/Self/Migraine"
Example 2: Full Sick Day: To care for a family member
"March 3, 2020: 5 hours Sick/Son/Flu"
Example 3: Partial Sick Day: Self
"March 24, 2020: 2.50 hours Sick/Self/Medical Appt”
  • 一旦你提交了你的时间表,你的主管可能会联系你需要的 修正. If 修正 is 需要ed, please log back in and correct as soon as possible 并重新提交.

    重要的是: if you submit your timesheet after the 到期日期, you will be paid 在 next check.         

 The Hiring Process

  1. Student Application
    • Students can view and 应用 for on-campus positions 在 Student Jobs @ 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 webpage. 张贴将出现在这个页面与申请说明,其中包括 创建个人资料,完成申请并上传指定的文件 the 应用程序 to be considered complete. Only complete 应用程序s will be evaluated 由学生就业办公室(SEO)提交给有要求的主管 a student 员工.
    • 请注意:虽然您只需要创建一个配置文件,但您需要单独提交 你有兴趣申请和竞争的不同职位的申请 在网赌正规真人实体在线平台.
    • 额外注意:填写个人资料需要网赌正规真人实体在线平台学生的电子邮件地址。 which is the method of communication used throughout your employment as a student 员工. The student 员工 should regularly check the assigned 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student email account for any and all correspondence regarding their 应用程序 和 hiring 过程. If desired, students can forward emails from their 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student email account to personal email accounts if more convenient. 参考 Technology Services webpage for further assistance with 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 email accounts.
    • The SEO will review the 应用程序s. Applications that are complete will be moved onto the next step. If the position is 工作研究 specific, those applicants who have received financial aid fund awards will be moved to the next step of review; or, alternatively, all applicants will move to next step when the position is not based on subsidized 工作研究.
  2. Interviews and Being Offered the Position
    • 导师将直接与学生联系,并安排个人活动 interviews in the department, program or applicable office. Supervisors are responsible for conducting interviews that are appropriate and compliant with applicable laws and College policy, though no specific search committee or other procedural rules 应用. Once the supervisor completes the interview 过程 and decides which applicant 如果要聘用,主管会联系SEO,确定他们感兴趣的学生 in hiring so that a background check can be performed. At this time 的搜索引擎优化 will send a background check form to the student(s). The student will not be offered the position until 的搜索引擎优化 has completed the background check. Once completed, 的搜索引擎优化 will email a suitability decision to the supervisor. In most cases, the supervisor can then make the offer of employment to the student. If the results of the background check come back 和re are additional questions, the supervisor will be advised.
    • 如果学生接受了该职位,将向他们的网赌正规真人实体在线平台学生发送电子邮件 从搜索引擎优化发来的关于完成新员工文书工作和培训教程的电子邮件 so the student can receive authorization to begin work. Before a student can begin 工作时,主管负责等待SEO通知 the student has completed the hiring forms and has been authorized to begin work.
  3. 被雇用的申请人-学生完成所需的新雇用文书工作,所需的培训 and Authorization to Begin 工作
    • 搜索引擎优化将向被聘用的学生发送电子邮件通知到他们的网赌正规真人实体在线平台学生邮箱 with important information regarding the hiring 过程. The email will include a 链接到画布,新雇用的学生员工将完成所需的教程 as well as a link to forms the student 员工 需要s to complete and bring to the Human Resources Office in the A Building. Student 员工s are also responsible for 审查学生就业手册和适用的学院政策,以获得认可 学生在被聘用的岗位上履行职责的情况.
    • Note: If it is determined the student 员工 was not awarded financial 工作研究 作为经济援助计划的一部分,这是这个职位的要求, 学生员工将不被允许工作,并鼓励申请 other non-subsidized 工作研究 student employment 在 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 campus. Any other misrepresentation during the 应用程序 过程 can also disqualify the applicant for employment for the particular position or any employment with the College.
  4. Non-Hired Student - Remain in Pool for Review by Supervisors for Consideration of Other Positions
    • 未被录取的学生可能会被考虑其他职位 有应用. Completed 应用程序s remain valid in the pool for the duration of 本季度. Though communication may be limited during this time, students may be 联系ed periodically to see if they would like their 应用程序 to remain in the pool for consideration, or to provide other updates regarding position status.
  5. Begin 工作ing Schedule Approved by Supervisor
    • Once the student 员工 is cleared to begin working, the student may work up to 19 hours per week. Schedules are set by the supervisor and hours provided based on a number of variables, such as 需要, funding, financial aid award and others.

Private Employer Consults with Financial Aid Office for 资格 Determination and Completion of Forms.

FA will 联系 的搜索引擎优化 once the contract is approved. The SEO staff will release the 应用程序s that meet the requirements for the positi在 private employer 正在寻求.

When referring a student to an employer, FA will send the employer an email message with the students resume and SWS Referral Form. The employer is responsible for the interview and hiring 过程 and is responsible to complete the Referral Form and must return it to FA to complete the placement. FA will provide the employer with the template timesheet and deadline for submitting timesheets for reimbursement

Timesheets: 雇主 will submit timesheets to FA no later than 10 days after the end of each month. Regardless of an employer’s payroll schedule, FA will reimburse 每月末,每周最多可报销19个小时,以学生为限 奖励金额.

Timesheets submitted after the deadline cannot be guaranteed reimbursement.

当学生达到最高偿还金额时,FA将通知雇主 for 本季度. 雇主 can continue to work their 员工 but will only get reimbursed up to the student’s 奖励金额.

FA will track student 奖励金额s and overall SWS budget and coordinate with the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Accounting Services Office 在 reimbursement and fund reporting.

  • Find job positions at Student Jobs @ 网赌正规真人实体在线平台.
  • 申请职位,并确保你符合要求,并包括所有必要的 documents to be considered for the position(s).
  • Show up prepared and on time for interview.
  • If offered the position, complete required training and hiring forms and submit to 的搜索引擎优化.
  • 每天查看您的网赌正规真人实体在线平台学生电子邮件,了解有关学生就业的通信 员工.
  • Log hours worked into Time & 劳动 timely and submit timesheets by their 到期日期.

Student Resources

student holding book

